| - قائمة بالأبطال في 1920 البطولات الوطنية الأمريكية لكرة المضرب (المعروفة الآن باسم أمريكا المفتوحة): (ar)
- The 1920 U.S. National Championships (now known as the US Open) was a tennis tournament that took place on the outdoor grass courts at the West Side Tennis Club, Forest Hills in New York City and the Philadelphia Cricket Club in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. The men's tournament, held in New York City, ran from August 30 until September 6, 1920, while the women's event in Chestnut Hill was held from September 20 through September 25, 1920. It was the 40th staging of the U.S. National Championships and the third Grand Slam tennis event of the year. (en)
- Lista de los campeones del Campeonato nacional de Estados Unidos de 1920: (es)
- Résultats détaillés de l’édition 1920 du championnat de tennis US National qui est disputée du 13 au 18 septembre 1920. (fr)
- U.S. National Championships 1920 – tenisowy turniej znany jako wielkoszlemowy US Open, który rozegrano w 1920 roku. Mężczyźni rywalizowali w dniach 30 sierpnia–6 września, na kortach West Side Tennis Club w Forest Hills, natomiast kobiety w dniach 20–25 września, na kortach Philadelphia Cricket Club w Filadelfii. Była to czterdziesta edycja turnieju męskiego i trzydziesta czwarta damskiego. (pl)
- 1920年 全米選手権(1920ねんぜんべいせんしゅけん)に関する記事。 (ja)
- Gli U.S. National Championships 1920 (conosciuti oggi come US Open) sono stati la 39ª edizione degli U.S. National Championships e quarta prova stagionale dello Slam per il 1920. Il torneo di singolare maschile si è disputato al nel quartiere di Forest Hills di New York, il doppio maschile al di Chestnut Hill, i tornei femminili e il doppio misto al di Filadelfia, negli Stati Uniti. (it)