| - After Many a Summer (1939) is a novel by Aldous Huxley that tells the story of a Hollywood millionaire who fears his impending death. It was published in the United States as After Many a Summer Dies the Swan. Written soon after Huxley left England and settled in California, the novel is Huxley's examination of American culture, particularly what he saw as its narcissism, superficiality, and obsession with youth. This satire also raises philosophical and social issues, some of which would later take the forefront in Huxley's final novel Island. The novel's title is taken from Tennyson's poem Tithonus, about a figure in Greek mythology to whom Aurora gave eternal life but not eternal youth. The book was awarded the 1939 James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction. (en)
- Jouvence (titre original : After Many a Summer) est un roman publié en 1939 par Aldous Huxley (Royaume-Uni). Il est vraisemblablement inspiré, comme son titre anglais le laisse supposer, du poème d’Alfred Tennyson Tithon, paru en 1860. (fr)
- Po wielu latach (ang. After Many a Summer) – powieść Aldousa Huxleya wydana w USA pod tytułem After Many a Summer dies a Swan. Tytuł jest cytatem z wiersza Alfreda Tennysona Titonus (1898), który w przekładzie Adama Asnyka brzmi następująco: “Po kilku wiosnach łabędź kończy swoje trwanie”. (pl)
- Dopo molte estati (After Many a Summer) è un romanzo di Aldous Huxley del 1939. Negli Stati Uniti venne pubblicato con il titolo After Many a Summer Dies the Swan. Il titolo è tratto da un verso della poesia Tithonus di Alfred Tennyson, ispirata al principe troiano amato dalla dea dell'aurora Eos. La leggenda narra che quando questa implorò Zeus di concedere al giovane il dono dell'immortalità, si dimenticò di chiedere per lui anche l'eterna giovinezza così che l'uomo fu costretto ad invecchiare per sempre senza mai morire. (it)