| - The Agris Helmet (French: Casque d'Agris) is a ceremonial Celtic helmet from c. 350 BC that was found in a cave near Agris, Charente, France, in 1981.It is a masterpiece of Celtic art, and would probably have been used for display rather than worn in battle.The helmet consists of an iron cap completely covered with bands of bronze.The bronze is in turn covered with unusually pure gold leaf, with embedded coral decorations attached using silver rivets.One of the cheek guards was also found and has similar materials and designs.The helmet is mostly decorated in early Celtic patterns but there are later Celtic motifs and signs of Etruscan or Greek influence.The quality of the gold indicates that the helmet may well have been made locally in the Atlantic region. (en)
- Der Helm von Agris ist ein vergoldeter keltischer Repräsentationshelm des 4. vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts, der 1981 in der Grotte des Perrats bei Agris im französischen Département Charente, Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine, gefunden wurde. (de)
- L'elmo di Agris (fr. casque d'Agris) è un reperto archeologico, rinvenuto casualmente nel 1981 in una grotta presso la città francese di Agris, in Charente, località da cui il reperto prende il nome. Si tratta di un elmo da parata, di uso rituale o cerimoniale, realizzato in lamina d'oro, bronzo, ferro e corallo. La sua realizzazione viene fatta risalire intorno alla metà del IV secolo a.C.. Attualmente è esposto nel di Angoulême. (it)
- Le casque d'Agris est un casque gaulois en fer, bronze, or, argent, et corail, découvert au cours d'une fouille légale en mai 1981 dans la grotte des Perrats à Agris en Charente, près de La Rochefoucauld sur le territoire d'un peuple celte dont le nom reste inconnu (désigné par commodité Écolismiens, d'après le nom de sa capitale Ecolisma sous le Bas-Empire romain). (fr)