| - Le Dr Amelia Shepherd est un personnage de fiction issu de la série télévisée américaine, Private Practice. Ce personnage apparaît également dans la série mère Grey's Anatomy où elle tient désormais un rôle principal à la suite de l'arrêt de Private Practice. En 2020, elle apparaît pour la première fois dans le deuxième spin-off Grey's Anatomy : Station 19. Le personnage est interprété par l'actrice canadienne Caterina Scorsone. (fr)
- Amelia Frances Shepherd è un personaggio delle serie televisive Private Practice e Grey's Anatomy, interpretata da Caterina Scorsone. (it)
- 어밀리아 셰퍼드(영어: Amelia Shepherd)는 숀다 라임스가 제작한 TV 드라마 《프라이빗 프랙티스》와 《그레이 아나토미》의 등장인물이다. 캐터리나 스코손이 연기했다. (ko)
- Amelia Frances Shepherd, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a fictional character on the ABC American television Grey's Anatomy medical drama and the spin-off series Private Practice, portrayed by Caterina Scorsone. In her debut appearance in season three, Amelia visited her former sister-in-law, Addison Montgomery, and became a partner at the Oceanside Wellness Group. In July 2010, it was reported that she was promoted to series regular for the fourth season, after appearing in the final five episodes of season three. She remained in the series until the final episode. (en)
- Amelia Frances Shepherd – fikcyjna postać amerykańskiego serialu medycznego Grey’s Anatomy: Chirurdzy oraz jego spin-offu, Prywatna Praktyka stacji ABC. Postać grana przez Caterinę Scorsone. Po raz pierwszy Amelia pojawiła się w 19 odcinku trzeciego sezonu Prywatnej Praktyki, stając się partnerem w Oceanside Wellness Group, a następnie jedną z głównych postaci serialu, w którym występowała aż do jego zakończenia. Gościnnie wystąpiła również w drugim spin-offie, Jednostka 19. (pl)
- Amelia Frances Shepherd, M.D., F.A.C.S é uma personagem fictícia dos dramas médicos da ABC, Private Practice e Grey's Anatomy, interpretada pela atriz Caterina Scorsone. Em sua primeira aparição na terceira temporada de Private Practice, Amelia visita sua ex-cunhada, Addison Montgomery, e torna-se parceira do Oceanside Wellness Group (atual Seaside Health & Wellness Center). Depois que Private Practice terminou, Scorsone foi escala para décima temporada de Grey's Anatomy, antes de se tornar um membro regular na décima primeira temporada. (pt)