Amorha Khas is a gram panchayat in Basti district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. In the freedom struggle of 1857, about 250 martyrs of Amorha State were hanged by the British Government from peepal trees located at Chhawani.
Amorha Khas is a gram panchayat in Basti district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. In the freedom struggle of 1857, about 250 martyrs of Amorha State were hanged by the British Government from peepal trees located at Chhawani. (en)
Amorha Khas is a gram panchayat in Basti district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. In the freedom struggle of 1857, about 250 martyrs of Amorha State were hanged by the British Government from peepal trees located at Chhawani. (en)