Anokha Rishta is a 1986 Hindi film, directed by prominent Malayalam director I.V. Sasi, written by Rahi Masoom Raza, and starring Rajesh Khanna in the lead, supported by Smita Patil, , Tanuja, Shafi Inamdar, Satish Shah and . A remake of the director's own 1984 Malayalam film Kanamarayathu starring Mammootty, the story revolves around three characters played by Rajesh Khanna, Smita Patil and Sabeeha. The original film was written by prominent Malayalam writer P. Padmarajan and was loosely based on Jean Webster's 1919 novel Daddy-Long-Legs. Anokha Rishta was the debut of Sabeeha, the daughter of actress Ameeta. The movie did average business on its release and recovered its costs. 20 years later same theme was seen in Nishabd and Cheeni Kum.