Antardhan is a Bengali thriller drama film directed by Tapan Sinha and produced by Naba Kumar Chandra based on a true story of disappearance of a lady. This film was released in 1992. this is the debut film of Bengali actor Sabyasachi Chakraborty.
Antardhan is a Bengali thriller drama film directed by Tapan Sinha and produced by Naba Kumar Chandra based on a true story of disappearance of a lady. This film was released in 1992. this is the debut film of Bengali actor Sabyasachi Chakraborty. (en)
Antardhan is a Bengali thriller drama film directed by Tapan Sinha and produced by Naba Kumar Chandra based on a true story of disappearance of a lady. This film was released in 1992. this is the debut film of Bengali actor Sabyasachi Chakraborty. (en)