| - The Athenian League was an English amateur football league for clubs in and around London. The league was originally to be called the Corinthian League, but this name was rejected by the Football Association. It was formed in 1912 with ten clubs, but had to close down in 1914 due to the onset of World War I. When it reformed in 1920, only three of the previous teams rejoined. Clubs left and joined the league at a rate of about one a year, with a number leaving to join the Isthmian League, the strongest amateur league in the London area. Total membership remained fairly stable at between twelve and sixteen clubs until 1963, when it absorbed most of the clubs from two rival leagues, the Corinthian League (most of whose former clubs formed Division One) and the Delphian League (most of whose (en)
- L'Athenian League fu una lega calcistica dilettantistica inglese che copriva la zona di Londra e dintorni. La lega fu fondata nel 1912 con dieci squadre, poi scomparve nel 1914 a causa della prima guerra mondiale. Fu ricreata nel 1920, con solo tre squadre, rispetto alle dieci di dodici anni prima. Però alcune squadre lasciarono l'Athenian League per entrare a far parte della Isthmian League, un altro campionato dilettantistico che copriva l'area di Londra. Quindi ci furono dai dodici ai sedici club rimasti nella lega fino al 1963, quando ha assorbito delle squadre dalle due leghe "rivali", ossia la Corinthian League (per formare la Division One), e dei club della Delphian League (per formare la Division Two), e sempre nel 1963 ha creato anche la Premier Division. Negli anni successivi, la (it)
- De Athenian League was een Engelse amateurvoetbalcompetitie in de regio in en rond Londen. De league werd in 1912 opgericht door 9 clubs en werd in 1914 stilgelegd door de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Toen de league heropgericht werd in 1920 keerden slechts 3 oude clubs terug. Regelmatig verliet een club de league om naar een sterkere competitie te gaan. Het aantal clubs stabiliseerde zich tussen de 12 en de 16. In 1963 slorpte de Athenian League 2 rivaliserende leagues op, de Corinthian League en de . De Athenian League werd de Premier Division, clubs uit de Corinthian League werden First Division en die van de Delphian League Second Division. (nl)
- The Athenian League var en engelsk fotbollsliga som täckte London med omnejd. Den grundades 1912 med nio klubbar men lades 1914 på grund av Första världskriget. När den startade igen 1920 var det bara tre av de ursprungliga klubbarna som återkom. Ungefär en klubb per år lämnade eller kom till ligan och de flesta som lämnade den gick med i Isthmian League som var den starkaste amatörligan i London området. Det totala antalet medlemsklubbar låg ganska stadigt mellan 12 och 16 klubbar fram till 1963 när den absorberade de flesta klubbarna från två rivaliserande ligor Corinthian League och . (sv)