Attack of The Planet Smashers is the second full-length release from The Planet Smashers. This is the first of three collaborations between the Planet Smashers and producer Chris Murray (the other two are Life of the Party and Unstoppable).
Attack of The Planet Smashers is the second full-length release from The Planet Smashers. This is the first of three collaborations between the Planet Smashers and producer Chris Murray (the other two are Life of the Party and Unstoppable). (en)
Attack of the Planet Smashers est le second album du groupe de ska québécois The Planet Smashers, sorti en 1998. Il s'agit de la première des trois collaborations entre The Planet Smashers et le producteur Chris Murray (les deux autres sont The Life of the Party et Unstoppable). (fr)
Attack of The Planet Smashers is the second full-length release from The Planet Smashers. This is the first of three collaborations between the Planet Smashers and producer Chris Murray (the other two are Life of the Party and Unstoppable). (en)
Attack of the Planet Smashers est le second album du groupe de ska québécois The Planet Smashers, sorti en 1998. Il s'agit de la première des trois collaborations entre The Planet Smashers et le producteur Chris Murray (les deux autres sont The Life of the Party et Unstoppable). (fr)