Aush jushpare (آش جوش پَره) is a type of aush (Iranian thick soup/stew), commonly cooked in Khorasan, Gonabad, Ferdous and Sabzevar in Iran. It is similar to the Chinese jiaozi. Historian Bayhaqi (-1077) mentioned about Aush Jushpare in his book "Tarikh-i Bayhaqi".Aush Jushpare is one of the oldest Aush, but since it takes a lot of time for preparation, it is not commonly eaten now. It is rather a dish of hospitality, which people eat on the occasion of special gatherings or festivals. Traditional guest house restaurant serves Aush Jushpare as local specialty. Aush Jushpare was registered as intangible heritage of Iran on 5 January 2021.