Award Software International Inc. was a BIOS manufacturer founded in 1983, by Rene Vishney and Bob Stillman in San Jose, California. In 1984 the company moved its international headquarters to Los Gatos, California, United States.
Award Software International Inc. was a BIOS manufacturer founded in 1983, by Rene Vishney and Bob Stillman in San Jose, California. In 1984 the company moved its international headquarters to Los Gatos, California, United States. (en)
Award est une société spécialisée dans la conception et la fabrication de BIOS (Basic Input Output System) pour baniadors. La société Award est l'une des principales actrices de ce marché et ses BIOS sont très répandus[réf. nécessaire]. (fr)
어워드 소프트웨어(Award Software International Inc.)는 미국 캘리포니아 에 본사가 있는 BIOS 제조 회사이다. 1997년 6월 어워드 소프트웨어는 바이오스 업데이트 제공 회사인 유니코어를 인수하고, 자회사로 만들었다. 1998년 9월 어워드 소프트웨어는 에 합병되었다. (ko)
Award Software International – amerykańskie przedsiębiorstwo, zajmujące się produkcją BIOS-ów oraz oprogramowania. Zostało założone w 1983 roku w kalifornijskim mieście San Jose przez Rene Vishny’ego i Boba Stillmana. Rok później firma przeniosła swoją siedzibę do Los Gatos. (pl)
Award Software, Inc. was een Amerikaans bedrijf dat actief was tussen 1983 en 1998 als producent van BIOS-software. (nl)
A Award Software ou Award Software International Incorporated foi uma empresa de tecnologia norte-americana fabricante de BIOS com sede e Mountain View, Califórnia, Estados Unidos. Em 1998 a empresa foi adquirida pela também norte-americana Phoenix Technologies. (pt)