| - La Pennsylvania Station ou Penn Station, est la principale gare ferroviaire de la ville de Baltimore, dans l'État du Maryland aux États-Unis. (fr)
- La stazione di Baltimore Pennsylvania (in inglese Baltimore Pennsylvania Station o colloquialmente Penn Station) è la principale stazione ferroviaria di Baltimora, Maryland, Stati Uniti. (it)
- Estação de Baltimore Pennsylvania (geralmente referida como Penn Station) é o principal centro de transporte em Baltimore, Maryland. Projetada pelo arquiteto nova-iorquino Kenneth MacKenzie Murchison (1872-1938), foi construída em 1911 no estilo Beaux-Arts para a Pennsylvania Railroad. Está localizada no número 1515 da rua Charles, cerca de 2,4 km ao norte do centro da cidade e de Inner Harbor, entre o bairro de Mount Vernon ao sul, e a Estação Norte ao norte. Originalmente chamada Union Station porque servia a Pennsylvania Railroad e a , foi renomeada para cumprir o padrão de outras estações da Pensilvânia em 1928. (pt)
- 巴尔的摩賓夕法尼亞車站(英文全称:Baltimore Pennsylvania Station),英文簡稱:Penn Station)是美國馬里蘭州巴爾的摩的主要鐵路客運車站與樞紐。由紐約建築師設計,於1911年為賓夕法尼亞鐵路興建,為布雜藝術風格的建築。其位於查爾斯街1515號,約於巴爾的摩市中心與巴爾的摩內港以北1.5英里處。最初由於其為賓夕法尼亞鐵路與西馬里蘭鐵路共同使用的車站,故稱聯合車站。之後在1928年更名為賓夕法尼亞車站以與其他性質類似的車站統一命名。 車站主體位於兩條地塹(其一為83號州際公路通過,另一為美铁的東北走廊軌道通過)之間的高起地帶。美铁的東北走廊由南方經過抵達本站。該雙線隧道於1873年啟用,長7660英尺,但其急彎、陡坡、時速30英里的速限,使其成為東北走廊中最嚴重的瓶頸地帶。車站北方東北走廊則經由通過,其於1873年啟用,有一單線隧道與一雙線隧道。 (zh)
- Baltimore Penn Station, formally named Baltimore Pennsylvania Station in full, is the main inter-city passenger rail hub in Baltimore, Maryland. Designed by New York architect Kenneth MacKenzie Murchison (1872–1938), it was constructed in 1911 in the Beaux-Arts style of architecture for the Pennsylvania Railroad. It is located at 1515 N. Charles Street, about a mile and a half north of downtown and the Inner Harbor, between the Mount Vernon neighborhood to the south, and Station North to the north. Originally called Union Station because it served the Pennsylvania Railroad and Western Maryland Railway, it was renamed to match other Pennsylvania Stations in 1928. (en)