| - Bap (밥) adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut biji-bijian atau palawija yang dimasak dalam kuliner Korea yaitu beras, jelai, gandum, juwawut dan sebagainya. (in)
- パッまたはパプ(bap)は、コメを単独で、あるいは黒米、オオムギ、モロコシ、キビ、アワ、また様々な豆等の穀物とともに水がなくなるまで炊いた韓国の飯である。野菜や魚介、肉等を加えて炊くこともある。 (ja)
- Il bap (밥?) è un prodotto alimentare tipico della cucina coreana, realizzato facendo bollire il riso (o altri cereali come orzo, sorgo, miglio, riso nero e fagioli) finché l'acqua non si esaurisce. Verdure, frutti di mare e carne possono essere aggiunti per crearne tipi differenti. Esistono molte ricette a base di bap, quali bibimbap, e gimbap. (it)
- Bap (Korean: 밥) is a Korean name for cooked rice prepared by boiling rice or other grains, such as black rice, barley, sorghum, various millets, and beans, until the water has cooked away. Special ingredients such as vegetables, seafood, and meat can also be added to create different kinds of bap. In the past, except for the socially wealthy class, people used to eat mixed grain rice together with beans and barley rather than only rice. In Korea, grain food centered on rice has been the most commonly used since ancient times and has established itself as a staple food in everyday diets. (en)