The Battle of Adramyttion occurred in autumn 1334 between the fleets of a Christian naval league, headed by the Republic of Venice and the Knights Hospitaller, and of the Turkish beylik of Karasi. The battle was a Christian victory.
Η μάχη του Αδραμυτίου έλαβε χώρα το φθινόπωρο του 1334 μεταξύ των στόλων μίας , με επικεφαλής τη Δημοκρατία της Βενετίας και τους Ιωαννίτες Ιππότες, και του Τούρκου μπέη του (αρχ. Μυσία). Η μάχη έληξε με μία Χριστιανική νίκη. (el)
The Battle of Adramyttion occurred in autumn 1334 between the fleets of a Christian naval league, headed by the Republic of Venice and the Knights Hospitaller, and of the Turkish beylik of Karasi. The battle was a Christian victory. (en)
La battaglia di Adramittio avvenne nell'autunno del 1334 tra le flotte della lega navale cristiana, guidata dalla Repubblica di Venezia e dai Cavalieri Ospitalieri contro il beycato turco di Karasi. La battaglia risultò in una vittoria cristiana. (it)
A Batalha de Adramício ocorreu no outono de 1334 entre as frotas de uma , formada em 1312 e chefiada pela República de Veneza e os Cavaleiros Hospitalários, e o dos turcos. A batalha foi uma vitória cristã. (pt)