| - Pertempuran Ginchy merupakan bagian dari Pertempuran Somme pada Perang Dunia I yang terjadi pada 3 - 6 September 1916 di Guillemont. Pertempuran Guillemont terjadi setelah Pertempuran Bazentin Ridge dan menjadi sasaran penyerangan di akhir bulan Juli dan Agustus. Sektor ini berisi sejumlah titik kekuatan pasukan Jerman; Delville Wood, Falfemont Farm, Guillemont, Combles dan Maurepas; saling memberikan perlindungan bagi yang lain. (in)
- A Batalha de Guillemont foi um assalto britânico a uma vila alemã realizada em Guillemont durante 1916 na Batalha do Somme, da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Guillemont estava sobre o flanco direito do setor britânico onde ele estava ligado a forças francêsas mas, os alemães impediram que os exércitos aliados operassem conforme o planejado. (pt)
- The Battle of Guillemont (3–6 September 1916) was an attack, during the Battle of the Somme in the First World War, by the British Fourth Army against the German 2nd Army near the village of Guillemont in northern France. The village is on the D 20 running east to Combles and the D 64 south-west to Montauban. Longueval and Delville Wood lie to the north-west and Ginchy to the north-east. The village was on the right flank of the British sector, near the boundary with the French Sixth Army. The Fourth Army had advanced close to Guillemont during the Battle of Bazentin Ridge (14–17 July) and the capture of the village was the culmination of British attacks which began on the night of 22/23 July. The attacks were intended to advance the right flank of the Fourth Army and eliminate a salient f (en)
- La battaglia di Guillemont fu uno scontro che vide impegnate forze inglesi nel tentativo di conquistare il villaggio di Guillemont, in mano ai tedeschi. Questa battaglia ebbe luogo nell'ambito della battaglia della Somme.Huillemon si trovava sul fianco destro del settore britannico, dove esso si univa a quello francese. Tenendo Guillemont, i tedeschi impedivano agli Alleati di operare congiuntamente. (it)