The Battle of Slioch was a minor skirmish in the First War of Scottish Independence. Although the encounter was inconclusive, the domestic enemies of the Scottish King Robert Bruce were unable to stop him from consolidating his rule over Scotland.
The Battle of Slioch was a minor skirmish in the First War of Scottish Independence. Although the encounter was inconclusive, the domestic enemies of the Scottish King Robert Bruce were unable to stop him from consolidating his rule over Scotland. (en)
La bataille de Slioch opposa les partisans du roi d'Écosse Robert Ier à ses rivaux du clan Comyn en décembre 1307 près de Dalrigh dans le Lorne. Bien que l'issue de la bataille soit indécise, lesComyn échouent à stopper Robert de consolider son pouvoir en Écosse. (fr)
La battaglia di Slioch venne combattuta nel dicembre del 1307, tra le forze reali scozzesi e un gruppo di ribelli guidato da John Comyn, III conte di Buchan. Anche se lo scontro si dimostrò inconcludente per ambo le parti, Roberto I di Scozia riuscì a consolidare il suo regno. (it)