Beauty's Worth is a 1922 American romantic comedy drama film directed by Robert G. Vignola, starring Marion Davies as an unsophisticated Quaker who ventures to a seaside resort, meets a Bohemian artist, and falls in love.
Beauty's Worth is a 1922 American romantic comedy drama film directed by Robert G. Vignola, starring Marion Davies as an unsophisticated Quaker who ventures to a seaside resort, meets a Bohemian artist, and falls in love. (en)
Régina (titre original : Beauty's Worth) est un film américain réalisé par Robert G. Vignola et sorti en 1922. (fr)
Beauty's Worth is een stomme film uit 1922 onder regie van . (nl)
Beauty's Worth è un film muto del 1922 diretto da Robert G. Vignola. Prodotto dalla Cosmopolitan Productions di William Randolph Hearst, aveva come protagonista Marion Davies. La sceneggiatura di Luther Reed si basa sull'omonimo racconto di Sophie Kerr che era stato pubblicato sul Saturday Evening Post il 14 febbraio 1920. (it)