Beresford is a civil parish in Gloucester County, New Brunswick, Canada. For governance purposes it is divided between the town of Beresford; the villages of Belledune, Nigadoo, Petit-Rocher, and Pointe-Verte; and the local service districts of Dunlop, Laplante, Madran, Petit-Rocher-Nord (Devereaux), Petit-Rocher-Sud, Robertville, Tremblay, and the parish of Beresford (which in turn includes the special service areas of Alcida and Dauversière; Nicholas-Denys, Free Grant and Sainte-Rosette; Petit Rocher West; Saint-Laurent Nord; Sainte-Louise; Sainte-Thérèse Sud; and Sormany), all of which are members of the Chaleur Regional Service Commission (CRSC).