Bhaagamathie is a 2018 Indian thriller film written and directed by G. Ashok. The films stars Anushka Shetty in the titular role while Jayaram (in his Telugu debut), Unni Mukundan, Murali Sharma, and Asha Sarath play other pivotal roles. Shot simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil, the film revolves around a former district collector imprisoned in a haunted house. At the same time, she is interrogated by law enforcers investigating a politician they suspect of corruption. Principal photography commenced in June 2016 in Hyderabad, and the film was released on 26 January 2018 in Telugu and Tamil along with a dubbed Malayalam version. The film is a commercial success, grossing over ₹67 crore. With Bhaagamathie, Anushka Shetty emerged the second Indian actress after Sridevi to have a $1 million gr