Bhramaram (transl. Beetle) is a 2009 Indian Malayalam-language road suspense thriller film, written and directed by Blessy, starring Mohanlal, Lakshmi Gopalaswamy, Suresh Menon, Murali Gopy, and Bhumika Chawla. The film was released on 25 June 2009.
Bhramaram (transl. Beetle) is a 2009 Indian Malayalam-language road suspense thriller film, written and directed by Blessy, starring Mohanlal, Lakshmi Gopalaswamy, Suresh Menon, Murali Gopy, and Bhumika Chawla. The film was released on 25 June 2009. (en)
Bhramaram é um filme indiano dirigido por e lançado em 2009. (pt)