"Blue Tango" is an instrumental composition by Leroy Anderson, written for orchestra in 1951 and published in 1952. It was later turned into a popular song with lyrics by Mitchell Parish. Numerous artists have since covered "Blue Tango".
"Blue Tango" is an instrumental composition by Leroy Anderson, written for orchestra in 1951 and published in 1952. It was later turned into a popular song with lyrics by Mitchell Parish. Numerous artists have since covered "Blue Tango". (en)
Blue Tango è un brano musicale composto dal musicista statunitense Leroy Anderson e pubblicato nel 1952. Il brano, inizialmente strumentale, è diventato un successo commerciale con il testo scritto dal paroliere statunitense Mitchell Parish. (it)
Blue Tango – instrumentalny utwór skomponowany przez Leroya Andersona w 1951 roku. Utwór stał się przebojem po tym, jak Mitchell Parish napisał do niego słowa. Singel z tą piosenką stał się bestsellerem w 1952 roku. „Blue Tango” zostało wielokrotnie interpretowane przez innych wykonawców. Własne wersje opublikowali m.in. Guy Lombardo i Alma Cogan. (pl)