Sir Charles William Rouse Boughton (December 1747 – 26 February 1821) was an administrator in India with the East India Company and subsequently a member of the British House of Commons representing first Evesham and then Bramber.
Sir Charles William Rouse Boughton (December 1747 – 26 February 1821) was an administrator in India with the East India Company and subsequently a member of the British House of Commons representing first Evesham and then Bramber. (en)
Sir Charles William Rouse Boughton (décembre 1747 - 26 février 1821) est administrateur en Inde auprès de la Compagnie britannique des Indes orientales et par la suite membre de la Chambre des communes britannique représentant d'abord Evesham puis Bramber. (fr)