| - 長江商学院(英語名称Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business、略称CKGSB)は中華人民共和国にある、同国初のプライベート・ビジネス・スクール。 例年約60名のMBA(経営学修士)受講生と500名を超えるエグゼクティブMBA受講生とが在籍している。北京に本部があり、その他上海、深圳にもキャンパスを構える。2002年11月、李嘉誠基金会の出資により設立された。校名は、長江商学院の英語の名称「Cheung Kong」は李嘉誠が会長を務める長江実業(集団)有限公司の英語名称(Cheung Kong(Holdings)Limited)に由来している。 (ja)
- Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (Cheung Kong GSB), (chiń.长江商学院, pinyin: Chángjiāng Shāng Xuéyuàn) – wyższa szkoła biznesu w Chinach, finansowana przez Fundację Li Ka Shing. Główna siedziba mieści się w Pekinie; oddziały w Szanghaju i Kantonie. Szkoła ma obecnie około 400 studentów EMBA i 60 MBA rocznie. (pl)
- 长江商学院(英語:Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business,简称CKGSB),是由李嘉诚基金会捐资创办,并获得中华人民共和国国务院正式批准、拥有独立法人资格的,为国际管理教育协会(AACSB)和(EFMD)成员,是国务院学位委员会批准的“工商管理硕士授予单位”(含EMBA和MBA)。 学院成立于2002年11月,现有MBA、金融MBA、EMBA、高层管理教育四个项目。2005年到2009年,长江教授在世界顶级管理类学术杂志上人均发表论文数量全球排名第6位。2011年,长江商学院中2500多位担任核心管理职位的中国企业精英校友和学员企业年收入总和超过1万亿美元,相当于中国当年GDP的13.7%,超过印度尼西亚GDP总和。 (zh)
- Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) (Chinese: 长江商学院; pinyin: Chángjiāng Shāngxuéyuàn) is a private, non-profit, independent educational institution and the only business school in China with faculty governance. The school offers MBA, Finance MBA, Executive MBA, Business Scholars Program, and short-term Executive Education programs to both Chinese and international students. The faculty staff is made up of 45 full-time professors and 10 long-term visiting professors currently, with research focusing from global business issues to China-specific topics. In its 10 years the school has trained about 3000 CEOs from various Chinese companies, with notable alumni including the founder of the Alibaba Group, Jack Ma; Fu Chengyu, Chairman of Sinopec; and Wu Yajun, the fifth richest perso (en)
- La Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB, 长江商学院S, Chángjiāng shāngxuéyuànP) è una scuola commerciale ed amministrativa di alta formazione dottorale (graduate school) privata, non-profit ed indipendente. La scuola offre programmi di MBA, MBA in finanza, Executive MBA e programmi di Executive Education. La facoltà è composta ed amministrata da 40 professori a tempo pieno e da 10 professori ospiti, con specializzazione in commercio internazionale ad argomenti specifici all'economia cinese. Dal 2002 la scuola ha formato circa 3000 CEO di varie compagnie cinesi ed internazionali, fra cui il fondatore del Alibaba Group Jack Ma, il presidente della Sinopec, Fu Chengyu e Wu Yajun, la quinta persona più ricca e donna più ricca della Cina nel 2012. (it)