| - Chinkultic (manchmal auch Chincultic) ist eine im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Chiapas im Nationalpark Lagunas de Montebello an der gelegene Ruinenstätte der Maya. Die Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts entdeckte, aber erst in den 1970er Jahren genauer untersuchte archäologische Stätte besteht aus rund 200 Bauten, die vorwiegend aus der Klassischen Periode stammen. (de)
- Chinkultic es un yacimiento arqueológico precolombino ubicado a 55 kilómetros de Comitán, en el estado de Chiapas, México, construido originalmente por el pueblo maya durante el periodo preclásico. (es)
- Chinkultic är en förcolumbiansk arkeologisk lokal i den mexikanska delstaten Chiapas. Platsen ligger omkring 56 kilometer från Comitán. Den förkolumbianska staden byggdes av mayakulturen och blomstrade under den klassiska perioden mellan 200-talet och 800-talet. De flesta skulpturerna på platsen skapades under de sista 300 åren under eran, med mayaskriftens glyfer, som dateras mellan 591 och 897. Chinkultic var bebodd fram till 1200-talet då den övergavs. Platsen ligger inom nationalparken Lagunas de Montbello. (sv)
- Чинкультік (ісп. Chincultic) — руїни міста цивілізації майя у штаті Чіапас (Мексика). Назва з мови майя перекладається «Сходження до сеноту». (uk)
- Chinkultic, sometimes Chincultic, is a moderate-size archeological ruin in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. It is part of the Lagunas de Montebello National Park. This pre-Columbian city belongs to the ancient Maya civilization. The city flourished in the Maya Classic Era, from about the 3rd through the 9th century. Most of the sculptures were produced in the last 300 years of this era, with hieroglyphic inscriptions dating from 591 to 897. Post-Classic-Era occupation of the site continued until the 13th century, after which it was abandoned. (en)
- Chinkultic est un site archéologique mexicain renommé pour son Mirador de l’âge classique. Le premier archéologue à visiter Chinkultic fut en 1958, directeur de fouilles de la New world international foundation’. Le site fut exploré en 1969 par Guillermo Bonfil, directeur de l’INAH-l’Institut National d'Anthropologie et d'Histoire. En 1944, Morley et Thompson visitent ce site et y découvrent la stèle 10. En 1923, Blom et Lafarge avaient dégagé les abords du jeu de balle. Ils trouvèrent la stèle 8 portant une figure et des glyphes. (fr)
- Chinkultic è un sito archeologico di dimensioni modeste che si trova nello Stato di Chiapas, in Messico, a 56 km dalla città moderna di Comitán. La città pre-colombiana venne costruita dalla civiltà Maya. La città fiorì culturalmente nell'età classica, dal III al IX secolo. La maggior parte delle sculture venne prodotta negli ultimi 300 anni di questo periodo, con le iscrizioni geroglifiche datate dal 591 all'897. L'occupazione del sito continuò fino al XIII secolo. Il sito è aperto ai turisti e fa parte del parco nazionale Lagunas de Montbello. (it)
- Чинкультик (исп. Chinkultic) — руины города цивилизации майя в мексиканском штате Чьяпас, лагуна . В руинах, обнаруженных в начале XX века, раскопано около 200 зданий и сооружений, относящихся в основном к классическому периоду месоамериканской хронологии. Несмотря на большое количество обнаруженных надписей, относящихся к периоду 591—897 гг. н. э., история местной династии всё ещё плохо изучена. Находки керамики, возможно, свидетельствуют о том, что город, несмотря на упадок, был населён длительное время в постклассический период. (ru)
has abstract
| - Chinkultic (manchmal auch Chincultic) ist eine im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Chiapas im Nationalpark Lagunas de Montebello an der gelegene Ruinenstätte der Maya. Die Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts entdeckte, aber erst in den 1970er Jahren genauer untersuchte archäologische Stätte besteht aus rund 200 Bauten, die vorwiegend aus der Klassischen Periode stammen. (de)
- Chinkultic, sometimes Chincultic, is a moderate-size archeological ruin in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. It is part of the Lagunas de Montebello National Park. This pre-Columbian city belongs to the ancient Maya civilization. The city flourished in the Maya Classic Era, from about the 3rd through the 9th century. Most of the sculptures were produced in the last 300 years of this era, with hieroglyphic inscriptions dating from 591 to 897. Post-Classic-Era occupation of the site continued until the 13th century, after which it was abandoned. The site has some step-pyramids and some 200 smaller buildings, most in undisturbed ruin. Chinkultic has carved stone stelae depicting the site's rulers. The site contains a court for playing the Mesoamerican ballgame, which a marker tells us was dedicated on 21 May 591. The first published account of the site was made by Edward Seler in the late 19th century. A detailed description of the site was made by Enrique Juan Palacios in 1926. The first archeological investigations of the site were conducted in 1966 under the direction of Stephan F. de Borhegyi of the Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Starting in 1970, some further excavations and restorations of a few buildings was conducted by Mexican government archeologists, who also dredged some artifacts from the site's cenote or natural well known as Agua Azul ("Blue Water"). The cenote gives the site its Maya language name; Chinkultic meaning "stepped-cenote". The site is open for tourism visits, although it is not one of the more commonly visited Maya sites. (en)