Chota Nagpur Division, also known as the South-West Frontier, was an administrative division of British India. It included most of the present-day state of Jharkhand as well as adjacent portions of West Bengal, Orissa, and Chhattisgarh.
Chota Nagpur Division, also known as the South-West Frontier, was an administrative division of British India. It included most of the present-day state of Jharkhand as well as adjacent portions of West Bengal, Orissa, and Chhattisgarh. (en)
Chhota Nagpur (també Chota Nagpur, Chutia Nagpur) fou una divisió o subprovíncia sota un comissionat, a la província de Bengala, Índia Britànica. La capital era Ranchi. Correspon al modern estat de Jharkhand. Era formada per districtes britànics que el 1881 eren:
* Districte d'Hazaribagh
* Districte de Lohardaga
* Districte de Singhbhum
* Districte de Manbhum El 1901 s'havien modificat:
* Districte d'Hazaribagh
* Districte de Ranchi
* Districte de Singhbhum
* Districte de Manbhum
* Districte de Palamau I per diversos estats tributaris protegits: (ca)