| - Chris Ethridge (10. února 1947 – 23. dubna 2012) byl americký baskytarista. Byl členem skupiny , po jejím rozpadu spoluzaložil skupinu The Flying Burrito Brothers. Zemřel na rakovinu pankreatu ve věku 65. let. (cs)
- Chris Ethridge (* 10. Februar 1947 in Meridian, Mississippi; † 23. April 2012 ebenda) war ein US-amerikanischer Gitarrist und Bassist. Er war der Mitbegründer der beiden Country-Rock-Bands International Submarine Band und Flying Burrito Brothers. (de)
- John Christopher Ethridge (February 10, 1947 – April 23, 2012) was an American country rock bass guitarist. He was a member of the International Submarine Band (ISB) and The Flying Burrito Brothers, and co-wrote several songs with Gram Parsons. Ethridge worked with Nancy Sinatra, Judy Collins, Leon Russell, Delaney Bramlett, Johnny Winter, Randy Newman, Graham Nash, Ry Cooder, Linda Ronstadt, The Byrds, Jackson Browne, and Willie Nelson. (en)
- John Christopher “Chris” Ethridge (Meridian, 10 febbraio 1947 – Meridian, 23 aprile 2012) è stato un bassista, pianista e compositore statunitense membro della International Submarine Band e dei Flying Burrito Brothers, e turnista per molti artisti degli anni ‘70 e fu il Bassista nel secondo album di Ry Cooder del 1971 " Into the Purple Valley ".Spesso sottovalutato, e poco conosciuto dal grande pubblico, ha dato prova di essere un ottimo bassista in brani come Do Right Woman e My Uncle, presenti sull’album The Gilded Palace of Sin. (it)
- John Christopher Ethridge II (Meridian (Mississippi), 10 februari 1947 – aldaar, 23 april 2012), beter bekend als Chris Ethridge, was een Amerikaans muzikant. In de jaren zestig richtte hij met Gram Parsons, Chris Hillman en Pete Kleinow de invloedrijke countryrockgroep The Flying Burrito Brothers op. (nl)
- Chris Ethridge (ur. 1947, zm. 23 kwietnia 2012) – amerykański gitarzysta basowy. Był członkiem i . Współpracował z takimi artystami jak Judy Collins, Leon Russell, Johnny Winter, Randy Newman, Ry Cooder, Linda Ronstadt, The Byrds, Jackson Browne i Willie Nelson. (pl)