has abstract
| - The Closing the Gap framework is an Australian government strategy that aims to reduce disadvantage among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, based on seven targets. From adoption in 2008, after meetings with the Close the Gap social justice campaign, until 2018, the federal and state and territory governments worked together via the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) on the framework, with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet producing a report at the end of each year analysing progress on each of its seven targets. The Closing the Gap targets relate to life expectancy; child mortality; access to early childhood education; literacy and numeracy at specified school levels; Year 12 attainment; school attendance; and employment outcomes. Since 2008 there have been as of December 2019 eleven Closing the Gap Reports presented to Parliament, providing data in areas that previously had none and updates on progress. The Closing the Gap Report 2019 reported that of the seven targets, only two – early childhood education and Year 12 attainment – had been met. Aims to halve the gap in child mortality by 2018, close the gap on school attendance by 2018, close the gap in life expectancy by 2031, halve the gap in literacy and numeracy by 2018 and halve the gap in unemployment by 2018 were not on track. In 2019, the National Indigenous Australians Agency was established, and this agency took over the responsibilities of Closing the Gap in partnership with Indigenous Australians, after The Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap, 2019-2029 had been signed by representatives of the National Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations (also known as the Coalition of Peaks), each state and territory government, and the Australian Local Government Association. The National Agreement on Closing the Gap, with a revised framework for the Closing the Gap strategy and 16 new targets, was signed by all parties and took effect on 27 July 2020. (en)