| - Perpustakaan Cotton atau perpustakaan Cottonian dikoleksi secara pribadi oleh Sir MP (1571–1631), seorang dan bibliofilia, dan berbasis di Perpustakaan Britania. Pimpinan sarjana pada era tersebut, termasuk , Walter Raleigh, and James Ussher, datang untuk menggunakan perpustakaan milik Sir Robert tersebut. bertugas sebagai pustakawannya. (in)
- Коттоновская библиотека (англ. Cotton library) — коллекция рукописей, начало формированию которой положил английский антиквар сэр Роберт Коттон (1571—1631). Собрание манускрипты, относящиеся преимущественно к англо-саксонской истории, но также и несколько ценнейших античных произведений, включая Коттоновский Генезис. Библиотекой Коттона пользовались Фрэнсис Бэкон, Уолтер Рэли и Джеймс Ашшер. В настоящее время она является частью Британской библиотеки. (ru)
- The Cotton or Cottonian library is a collection of manuscripts once owned by Sir Robert Bruce Cotton MP (1571–1631), an antiquarian and bibliophile. It later became the basis of what is now the British Library, which still holds the collection. After the Dissolution of the Monasteries, many priceless and ancient manuscripts that had belonged to the monastic libraries began to be disseminated among various owners, many of whom were unaware of the cultural value of the manuscripts. Cotton's skill lay in finding, purchasing and preserving these ancient documents. The leading scholars of the era, including Francis Bacon, Walter Raleigh, and James Ussher, came to use Sir Robert's library. Richard James acted as his librarian. The library is of special importance for having preserved the only co (en)
- La Biblioteca Cotton o Cottoniana (Cotton Library o Cottonian Library) fue una colección privada de Sir M. P. (1571–1631), anticuario y bibliófilo inglés, que incluía libros, manuscritos, monedas y medallas. La utilizaron los principales eruditos de la época, entre los que se encontraban Francis Bacon, Walter Raleigh y James Ussher. ejerció como su bibliotecario. (es)
- La Biblioteca Cottoniana o Biblioteca Cotton (in inglese Cottonian Library) è la collezione di libri e codici raccolta da Sir Robert Bruce Cotton (1571 - 1631), un antiquario e bibliofilo inglese. Comprende tutti i libri, manoscritti, monete e medaglie di cui era entrato in possesso. Raccolse tutto questo materiale prelevando i libri e i manufatti che furono resi disponibili dalla soppressione dei monasteri voluta da Enrico VIII. La collezione rappresenta la più importante singola fonte conosciuta di testi letterari in antico e medio inglese. Molte celebri opere come il Beowulf, il poema e l'Evangeliario di Lindisfarne sono sopravvissute fino ai nostri giorni solo grazie alla Biblioteca Cottoniana. (it)
- La bibliothèque Cotton ou bibliothèque cottonienne (Cotton library en anglais) est une collection de livres anciens et manuscrits rassemblée par le collectionneur anglais Robert Bruce Cotton (1571-1631). Elle rassemble plusieurs centaines de manuscrits et autres documents allant du IVe siècle à l'époque de Cotton. (fr)