Cross My Heart (French: Les Rois mongols) is a Canadian drama film, directed by Luc Picard and released in 2017. Set in 1970, the film centres on Manon (Milya Corbeil-Gauvreau), a young girl who is staying with her aunt and uncle (Jean-François Boudreau and Julie Ménard) as her father is dying of cancer and her mother is struggling with depression. Scared that she may be taken by children's aid and separated from her younger brother Mimi (Anthony Bouchard), she takes inspiration from the contemporaneous October crisis and kidnaps elderly neighbour Rose (Clare Coulter) so that she, Mimi and their cousins Martin (Henri Richer-Picard) and Denis (Alexis Guay) can safely travel to an isolated rural cabin where Manon hopes to live free of parental interference.