| - Cycas bifida (Dyer) K.D.Hill, 2002 è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Cycadaceae. (it)
- Cycas bifida är en kärlväxtart som först beskrevs av William Turner Thiselton Dyer, och fick sitt nu gällande namn av Kenneth D. Hill. Cycas bifida ingår i släktet Cycas, och familjen Cycadaceae. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som sårbar. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (sv)
- Cycas bifida é uma espécie de cicadófita do género Cycas da família Cycadaceae, nativa do sul de Guangxi e leste de Yunnan, na China, e do norte do Vietname. Segundo dados de 2010, a população tende a descrescer. (pt)
- Cycas bifida — вид голонасінних рослин класу саговникоподібні (Cycadopsida). Етимологія: від латинського bi- «два» і -fidus «розділений», посилаючись на дихотомічно поділені листові асоціації. (uk)
- Cycas bifida (syn. Cycas rumphii var. bifida) is a species of cycad plant in the genus Cycas, native to southern China (southern Guangxi and eastern Yunnan), and northern Vietnam (Cao Bằng, Lạng Sơn and Tuyên Quang provinces). The species is named after its dichotomously divided leaflets, a character shared with a few other related species. It has been extensively confused in literature with the related species and Cycas micholitzii (K. D. Hill, Cycad Pages); in the Flora of China, it is treated as Cycas micholitzii, a species restricted by Hill to plants from central Vietnam and Laos. (en)
has abstract
| - Cycas bifida (syn. Cycas rumphii var. bifida) is a species of cycad plant in the genus Cycas, native to southern China (southern Guangxi and eastern Yunnan), and northern Vietnam (Cao Bằng, Lạng Sơn and Tuyên Quang provinces). The stems are largely subterranean, 20–60 cm in diameter and up to 20 cm above ground level, and bear three to eight leaves. The leaves are 2–4 m long and 40–80 cm broad, dark green and glossy, bipinnate, with 27-44 pairs of leaflets, each leaflet dichotomously divided (split in two), linear, 10–38 cm long and 1.5–3 cm broad, papery to leathery in texture; the leaf petiole is 0.5–2 m long, armed with spikes. The female cones are closed, the sporophylls 8–12 cm long, with deep red-brown tomentose down, and 6-8 ovules on an ovate lamina, with yellow to yellow-brown sarcotesta. Ovoid and flattened sclerotesta. The male cones are solitary and erect, spindle shaped and cylindrical 15-23 long and 4–6 cm broad, with light yellow tomentose down and an erect apical spine with 1.2–2 cm sporophylls with 1-3 minute teeth per side. The species is named after its dichotomously divided leaflets, a character shared with a few other related species. It has been extensively confused in literature with the related species and Cycas micholitzii (K. D. Hill, Cycad Pages); in the Flora of China, it is treated as Cycas micholitzii, a species restricted by Hill to plants from central Vietnam and Laos. , which is often considered synonymous with Cycas bifida but may have hybridized with Cycas multipinnata, is only found in cultivation in Jinping County, Yunnan. (en)
- Cycas bifida (Dyer) K.D.Hill, 2002 è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Cycadaceae. (it)
- Cycas bifida är en kärlväxtart som först beskrevs av William Turner Thiselton Dyer, och fick sitt nu gällande namn av Kenneth D. Hill. Cycas bifida ingår i släktet Cycas, och familjen Cycadaceae. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som sårbar. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (sv)
- Cycas bifida é uma espécie de cicadófita do género Cycas da família Cycadaceae, nativa do sul de Guangxi e leste de Yunnan, na China, e do norte do Vietname. Segundo dados de 2010, a população tende a descrescer. (pt)
- Cycas bifida — вид голонасінних рослин класу саговникоподібні (Cycadopsida). Етимологія: від латинського bi- «два» і -fidus «розділений», посилаючись на дихотомічно поділені листові асоціації. (uk)