The eighth series of Dancing on Ice aired from on 6 January to 10 March 2013 on ITV. Phillip Schofield and Christine Bleakley returned as hosts, and Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean serving as mentors to the celebrities. The series was judged by The Ice Panel, consisting of Robin Cousins, Karen Barber, Ashley Roberts and Jason Gardiner. Gardiner returned to replace Louie Spence after departing at the end of series 6 in 2011 and Ashley Roberts joined The Ice Panel as Katarina Witt's replacement, while Barber rejoined The Ice Panel after serving as head coach in series 6 and 7. It was revealed that at the end of the show of 13 January that the duel would return, this saw two couples go head-to-head on the ice at the same time performing different routines to the same song, the judges then