Decisive Battles is a 2004 American animated documentary television series that depicted historic conflicts using the game engine from Rome: Total War to present 3-D simulations of the battles. The show was hosted by Matthew Settle, who usually traveled to the sites of the battles. It originally aired on Fridays on the History Channel, and ran for thirteen episodes in mid-2004. Reruns of the show air on the History International channel and the Military History channel.
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| - Decisive Battles (en)
- Decisive Battles (pt)
| - Decisive Battles is a 2004 American animated documentary television series that depicted historic conflicts using the game engine from Rome: Total War to present 3-D simulations of the battles. The show was hosted by Matthew Settle, who usually traveled to the sites of the battles. It originally aired on Fridays on the History Channel, and ran for thirteen episodes in mid-2004. Reruns of the show air on the History International channel and the Military History channel. (en)
- Batalhas Decisivas (Decisive Battles) é um programa do canal The History Channel que tenta reproduzir batalhas da antiguidade. São treze episódios no total. O programa usa os mecanismos do jogo de computador Rome: Total War, utilizando o simulador do modo RTS deste, para fazer uma versão tridimensional das batalhas sem precisar recorrer a atores. O programa é apresentado por Matthew Settle, que viajava aos locais das batalhas para apresentar o programa. Não há expectativas de que o The History Channel fará novos episódios. (pt)
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has abstract
| - Decisive Battles is a 2004 American animated documentary television series that depicted historic conflicts using the game engine from Rome: Total War to present 3-D simulations of the battles. The show was hosted by Matthew Settle, who usually traveled to the sites of the battles. It originally aired on Fridays on the History Channel, and ran for thirteen episodes in mid-2004. Reruns of the show air on the History International channel and the Military History channel. (en)
- Batalhas Decisivas (Decisive Battles) é um programa do canal The History Channel que tenta reproduzir batalhas da antiguidade. São treze episódios no total. O programa usa os mecanismos do jogo de computador Rome: Total War, utilizando o simulador do modo RTS deste, para fazer uma versão tridimensional das batalhas sem precisar recorrer a atores. O programa é apresentado por Matthew Settle, que viajava aos locais das batalhas para apresentar o programa. Não há expectativas de que o The History Channel fará novos episódios. (pt)
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