"Devil's Night" is the fourth episode of the fifth season of the anthology television series American Horror Story. It aired on October 28, 2015, on the cable network FX. This episode was written by Jennifer Salt and directed by Loni Peristere.
"Devil's Night" is the fourth episode of the fifth season of the anthology television series American Horror Story. It aired on October 28, 2015, on the cable network FX. This episode was written by Jennifer Salt and directed by Loni Peristere. (en)
Craoladh an ceathrú heipeasóid, "Devil's Night" den chúigiú sraith American Horror Story ar an 28 Deireadh Fómhair 2015. Scríobh an eipeasóid seo. D'fhéach 3.04 milliún duine ar an eipeasóid. (ga)
* Finn Wittrock as Tristan Duffy
* Mare Winningham as Hazel Evers
* Lily Rabe as Aileen Wuornos
* Richard T. Jones as Detective Andy Hahn
* John Carroll Lynch as John Wayne Gacy
* Seth Gabel as Jeffrey Dahmer
* Anthony Ruivivar as Richard Ramirez
* Nico Evers-Swindell as Craig
* Shree Crooks as Scarlett Lowe
* Lennon Henry as Holden Lowe (en)
"Devil's Night" is the fourth episode of the fifth season of the anthology television series American Horror Story. It aired on October 28, 2015, on the cable network FX. This episode was written by Jennifer Salt and directed by Loni Peristere. (en)
Craoladh an ceathrú heipeasóid, "Devil's Night" den chúigiú sraith American Horror Story ar an 28 Deireadh Fómhair 2015. Scríobh an eipeasóid seo. D'fhéach 3.04 milliún duine ar an eipeasóid. (ga)