John Duncan Macrae (20 August 1905 – 23 March 1967) was one of the leading Scottish actors of his generation. He worked mainly as a stage actor and also made five television appearances and seventeen films.
Duncan Macrae (* 20. August 1905 in Glasgow, Schottland als John Duncan Macrae; † 23. März 1967 ebenda) war ein britischer Schauspieler mit Charakterrollen in Theater, Film und Fernsehen. Er spielte in den 1940er, 1950er und 1960er Jahren auch in zahlreichen namhaften Kinofilmen. Darunter in Freut euch des Lebens, , Einst ein Held, Casino Royale oder Trau keinem über 30. (de)
John Duncan Macrae (20 August 1905 – 23 March 1967) was one of the leading Scottish actors of his generation. He worked mainly as a stage actor and also made five television appearances and seventeen films. (en)
던칸 맥래(Duncan Macrae, 1905년 8월 20일 ~ 1967년 3월 23일)는 영국의 희극 배우, 연극 배우, 영화배우, 텔레비전 배우이다. (ko)