ETP Fest or ETP Festival is one of the biggest rock music festivals in South Korea founded by rock singer Seo Taiji. ETP stands for Eerie Taiji People.
ETP Fest or ETP Festival is one of the biggest rock music festivals in South Korea founded by rock singer Seo Taiji. ETP stands for Eerie Taiji People. (en)
L'ETPFest (abréviation de Eerie Taiji People Festival) est l'un des plus importants festivals de rock de Corée du Sud. Lancé en 2001 par la star coréenne Seo Tai-ji, l'ETPFest est un événement où figurent des groupes venant des États-Unis, de Corée du Sud et du Japon. Seo Tai-ji aimerait en faire le « meilleur festival international de rock du XXIe siècle ». (fr)
ETPFEST(Eerie TaiJi People FESTival의 약자)는 2001년에 시작된 콘서트이다. 서태지컴퍼니가 주최하고 예당엔터테인먼트가 주관하며 다음 커뮤니케이션, GM 대우 오토 앤 테크놀로지가 후원한다. 기획은 서울기획, 액세스엔터테인먼트, IMX가 담당한다. 2009년 8월 15일에는 잠실보조경기장에서 개최되었다. (ko)
ETP Fest or ETP Festival is one of the biggest rock music festivals in South Korea founded by rock singer Seo Taiji. ETP stands for Eerie Taiji People. (en)
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