| - Edwardian musical comedy was a form of British musical theatre that extended beyond the reign of King Edward VII in both directions, beginning in the early 1890s, when the Gilbert and Sullivan operas' dominance had ended, until the rise of the American musicals by Jerome Kern, Rodgers and Hart, George Gershwin and Cole Porter following the First World War. (en)
- Komedi musikal Edward adalah bentuk teater musik Inggris yang melampaui masa pemerintahan Raja Edward VII di kedua arah, dimulai pada awal tahun 1890-an, ketika dominasi opera Gilbert dan Sullivan berakhir, sampai kebangkitan musikal Amerika oleh Jerome Kern, , George Gershwin dan Cole Porter setelah Perang Dunia Pertama. (in)
- La Commedia musicale edoardiana era una forma di teatro musicale britannica che si estese oltre il regno di Edoardo VII in entrambe le direzioni, a partire dai primi anni del 1890, quando il dominio delle opere di Gilbert e Sullivan era terminato, fino al sorgere dei musical americani di Jerome Kern, Rodgers e Hart, George Gershwin e Cole Porter dopo la prima guerra mondiale. (it)