Giovanni Luigi Valesio, also known as Giovanni Valesio or Luigi Valesio, (c. 1583–1633) was an Italian painter and, most prominently, an engraver of the early-Baroque, active in his native city of Bologna, and then in Rome.
Giovanni Luigi Valesio, also known as Giovanni Valesio or Luigi Valesio, (c. 1583–1633) was an Italian painter and, most prominently, an engraver of the early-Baroque, active in his native city of Bologna, and then in Rome. (en)
Giovanni Luigi Valesio (Bologna, 1579 – 1650) è stato un incisore italiano. (it)
Giovanni Luigi Valesio, also known as Giovanni Valesio or Luigi Valesio, (c. 1583–1633) was an Italian painter and, most prominently, an engraver of the early-Baroque, active in his native city of Bologna, and then in Rome. (en)
Giovanni Luigi Valesio (Bologna, 1579 – 1650) è stato un incisore italiano. (it)