Good Advice is an American television sitcom that aired for two seasons on CBS from April 2, 1993, to September 6, 1994. It was co-created and executive produced by Danny Jacobson and Norma Safford Vela; and starred Shelley Long and Treat Williams.
Good Advice is an American television sitcom that aired for two seasons on CBS from April 2, 1993, to September 6, 1994. It was co-created and executive produced by Danny Jacobson and Norma Safford Vela; and starred Shelley Long and Treat Williams. (en)
Good Advice est une série télévisée américaine en 21 épisodes de 25 minutes diffusée du 2 avril 1993 au 6 septembre 1994 sur le réseau CBS. Cette série est inédite dans tous les pays francophones. (fr)