Gudrun is a 1992 German drama film directed by Hans W. Geißendörfer. It was entered into the 42nd Berlin International Film Festival where it won an Honourable Mention.
Gudrun is a 1992 German drama film directed by Hans W. Geißendörfer. It was entered into the 42nd Berlin International Film Festival where it won an Honourable Mention. (en)
Gudrun est un film allemand réalisé par Hans W. Geißendörfer, sorti en 1992. (fr)
Gudrun is a 1992 German drama film directed by Hans W. Geißendörfer. It was entered into the 42nd Berlin International Film Festival where it won an Honourable Mention. (en)
Gudrun est un film allemand réalisé par Hans W. Geißendörfer, sorti en 1992. (fr)