Haruhi Fujioka (藤岡 ハルヒ, Fujioka Haruhi) is a fictional character and the main protagonist from the manga and anime television series, Ouran High School Host Club, created by Bisco Hatori. In the manga and its adaptations, Haruhi takes on the role of a male host playing a comical tsukkomi-archetype, despite being of female sex, by keeping her gender as female a secret from the host club's clients. While her fellow, all-male Host Club members know the truth, the club's clients do not and mistakenly believe Haruhi to be a male, thus providing the basis for much of the gender-swapping satire embedded in the comedy. The character self-identifies as female, while downplaying gender roles to comic effect throughout the series. As explanation, she tells the others that "it's more important for a p