| - Hesionidae ist der Name einer Familie eher kleiner, meist sich räuberisch oder als Aasfresser, seltener von Bakterien oder Detritus ernährender, frei lebender Vielborster (Polychaeta), die in Meeren weltweit zu finden sind. (de)
- Hesionidae are a family of phyllodocid "bristle worms" (class Polychaeta). They are (like almost all polychaetes) marine organisms. Most are found on the continental shelf; Hesiocaeca methanicola is found on methane ice, where it feeds on bacterial biofilms. A characteristic apomorphy of the Hesionidae are the of the anterior segments, which are well-developed cup-like sheaths; the cirri of the subsequent segments insert into the parapodia directly, or with just a vestigial cirrophore. (en)
- Los hesiónidos (Hesionidae) son es una familia de anélidos poliquetos del orden Phyllodocida. (es)
- Les Hesionidae sont une famille de vers marins polychètes. (fr)
- Hesionidae zijn een familie van borstelwormen (Polychaeta) uit de orde van de Phyllodocida. (nl)
- Gli Eisonidi (Grube, 1850) sono un genere di vermi della famiglia . Sono (come quasi tutti i policheti) organismi marini. La maggior parte vive lungoa piattaforma continentale; l' si trova nel ghiaccio metano, dove si nutre di biofilm batterici. (it)
- Hesionidae é uma família de poliquetas de vida livre, pertencentes à subordem Nereidiformia, pequenos anelídeos marinhos, distribuídos pelo planeta. (pt)
- Hesionidae är en familj av ringmaskar. Hesionidae ingår i ordningen Phyllodocida, klassen havsborstmaskar, fylumet ringmaskar och riket djur. Enligt Catalogue of Life omfattar familjen Hesionidae 223 arter. (sv)