| - Huishui (chinesisch 惠水县, Pinyin Huìshuǐ Xiàn) ist ein chinesischer Kreis im Autonomen Bezirk Qiannan der Bouyei und Miao im Süden der Provinz Guizhou. Huishui hat eine Fläche von 2.478 km² und zählt 358.500 Einwohner (Stand: Ende 2018). Sein Hauptort ist die Großgemeinde (和平镇). (de)
- Huishui léase Juéi-Shuéi (en chino:惠水县, pinyin: Huìshuǐ Xiàn) es un condado bajo la administración directa de la prefectura autónoma de Qiannan en la provincia de Guizhou, República Popular China. (es)
- Huishui (Chinese: 惠水; pinyin: Huìshuǐ) is a county of south-central Guizhou province, China. It is under the administration of the Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture. 61% of its 476,900 population are minorities, including Bouyei, Miao, Hui, Zhuang, Sui, Bai, and Maonan. In 1372 it was the seat of the historic Chengfan commandery (程番府). Within Guizhou it is noted for its orange cultivation. The gecko species Hemiphyllodactylus huishuiensis was first discovered in, and named after Huishui. A locally distributed species of Gesneriaceae plants was only found in Huishui. (en)
- Le xian de Huishui (惠水县 ; pinyin : Huìshuǐ Xiàn) est un district administratif de la province du Guizhou en Chine. Il est placé sous la juridiction de la préfecture autonome buyei et miao de Qiannan. (fr)
- 후이수이현(한국어: 혜수현, 중국어: 惠水县, 병음: Huìshuǐ Xiàn) 은 중화인민공화국 구이저우성 첸난 부이족 먀오족 자치주의 현급 행정구역이다. 넓이는 2464km2이고, 인구는 2007년 기준으로 430,000명이다. (ko)
- 恵水県(けいすい-けん)は中華人民共和国貴州省黔南プイ族ミャオ族自治州に位置する県。 (ja)
- La contea di Huishui (惠水县S, HuìshuǐP) è una contea della Cina, situata nella provincia del Guizhou e amministrata dalla prefettura autonoma buyei e miao di Qiannan. (it)
- Huishui är ett härad i Qiannan, en autonom prefektur för - och miao-folken i Guizhou-provinsen i sydvästra Kina (sv)
- Хуэйшу́й (кит. упр. 惠水, пиньинь Huìshuǐ) — уезд Цяньнань-Буи-Мяоского автономного округа провинции Гуйчжоу (КНР). (ru)
- 惠水县是中国贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州西部下属的一个县。 明清为定番州,1913年改定番县,1935年改惠水县。 (zh)