| - Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog (? - †825) également connu dans certaines généalogies comme Hywel Farf-fehinog ap Caradog (c'est-à-dire: Barbe Graisseuse) était un roi de Gwynedd. (fr)
- Hywel ap Rhodri was koning van Gwynedd, het middeleeuwse Wales van ca.816 tot 825 en zou de zoon van Rhodri Molwynog ap Idwal zijn, dat maakte hem de broer van zijn voorganger Cynan ap Rhodri, dit wordt tegengesproken door de Genealogies from Jesus College MS 20 en de Harleian genealogies. Meer waarschijnlijk was hij de zoon van Caradog ap Meirion. Hij was de laatste telg van de Cunedda dynastie. (nl)
- Хивел Сальная Борода (валл. Hywel Farf-fehinog; умер в 825) — король Гвинеда (814—825). Одни генеалогии называют Хивела сыном Карадог ап Мейрионаа, другие — братом Кинан Диндайтуи. (ru)
- Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog as he was improperly called due to lack of knowledge of the genealogies by men like John Edward Lloyd, but in fact was Hywel ap Caradog (English: Hywel, son of Caradog ap Meirion) was King of Gwynedd (reigned 816–825). He rose to power following a destructive dynastic struggle in which he deposed his cousin, King Cynan Dindaethwy ap Rhodri (reigned 798–816). During Hywel's reign Gwynedd's power was largely confined to Anglesey. It was a time of substantial territorial loss to Mercia. (en)
- Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog (Hywel, hijo de Rhodri Molwynog) fue rey de Gwynedd (816–825). Ascendió al poder tras una destructiva lucha dinástica que concluyó con la deposición de su hermano Cynan Dindaethwy (798–816). Durante su reinado, el poder de Gwynedd se limitaba a Anglesey. Fue una época de grandes pérdidas territoriales frente a Mercia. La costa de Gales a lo largo del estuario del Dee siguió en poder de Mercia hasta 821, cuando Coenwulf murió pacíficamente en Basingwerk. En 823 Mercia devastó Powys y regresó a Gwynedd para incendiar Deganwy. (es)
- Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog (... – ...; fl. IX secolo) è stato sovrano del Gwynedd dall'814 all'825. Secondo alcune genealogie, sarebbe stato figlio di Caradog, secondo altre, invece, di Rhodri Mawr. Se si crede alla prima ipotesi egli sarebbe stato cugino di Cynan, in base alla seconda, invece, sarebbe stato fratello di quest'ultimo. Hywel regnò sul Gwynedd fino alla morte, nell'825. (it)
has abstract
| - Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog as he was improperly called due to lack of knowledge of the genealogies by men like John Edward Lloyd, but in fact was Hywel ap Caradog (English: Hywel, son of Caradog ap Meirion) was King of Gwynedd (reigned 816–825). He rose to power following a destructive dynastic struggle in which he deposed his cousin, King Cynan Dindaethwy ap Rhodri (reigned 798–816). During Hywel's reign Gwynedd's power was largely confined to Anglesey. It was a time of substantial territorial loss to Mercia. Hywel is said to be the son of Rhodri Molwynog on the assumption that he was Cynan's brother, for example as stated in Lloyd's History of Wales, which does not cite its source. Sources such as the Annales Cambriae mention him by name only. The genealogy of Jesus College MS. 20 gives him as the son of Caradog ap Meirion, while it gives Cynan as the son of Rhodri Molwynog. A destructive war between King Cynan and Hywel raged on Anglesey between 812 and 816, ultimately ending with Cynan's defeat and banishment, and Hywel's rise to the throne. Coenwulf of Mercia took advantage of Gwynedd's weakness in 817, occupying Rhufoniog (see map) and laying waste to the mountains of Eryri (English: Snowdonia), the defensive stronghold of Gwynedd. In 818 there was a notable battle at Llanfaes on Anglesey. The combatants are not identified, but the site had been the llys (English: royal court) of King Cynan. Coastal Wales along the Dee Estuary was still in Mercian hands in 821, as it is known that Coenwulf died peacefully at Basingwerk in that year. In 823 Mercia laid waste to Powys and returned to Gwynedd to burn down Deganwy. Hywel was the last King of Gwynedd in the male line of Cunedda Wledig. He would be succeeded by the eldest son of Essylt daughter of Cynan Dindaethwy and Gwriad King of Ynys Manaw who was named Merfyn Frych. (en)
- Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog (Hywel, hijo de Rhodri Molwynog) fue rey de Gwynedd (816–825). Ascendió al poder tras una destructiva lucha dinástica que concluyó con la deposición de su hermano Cynan Dindaethwy (798–816). Durante su reinado, el poder de Gwynedd se limitaba a Anglesey. Fue una época de grandes pérdidas territoriales frente a Mercia. Se dice que Hywel era hijo de Rhodri Molwynog, suponiendo que era hermano de Cynan, por ejemplo según lo afirmado en la Historia de Gales Lloyd, que no cita su fuente. Fuentes como los Annales Cambriae mencionan únicamente su nombre. La genealogía de Jesus College MS 20 le da como hijo de Caradog ap Meirion, mientras da a Cynan como hijo de Rhodri Molwynog. Una guerra destructiva entre Cynan y Hywel arrasó Anglesey entre 812 y 816, y concluyó finalmente con la derrota y el exilio de Cynan, y el acceso de Hywel al trono. Coenwulf de Mercia aprovechó la debilidad de Gwynedd en 817, para ocupar Rhufoniog y devastar las montañas de Eryri (Snowdonia), el baluarte defensivo de Gwynedd. En 818 tuvo lugar una gran batalla en Llanfaes en Anglesey. Los combatientes no están identificados, pero el sitio había sido el llys (corte real) de Cynan. La costa de Gales a lo largo del estuario del Dee siguió en poder de Mercia hasta 821, cuando Coenwulf murió pacíficamente en Basingwerk. En 823 Mercia devastó Powys y regresó a Gwynedd para incendiar Deganwy. Hywel fue el último Rey de Gwynedd en la línea masculina de Maelgwn Gwynedd. Fue sucedido por el hijo de su hermana Merfyn Frych. (es)
- Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog (? - †825) également connu dans certaines généalogies comme Hywel Farf-fehinog ap Caradog (c'est-à-dire: Barbe Graisseuse) était un roi de Gwynedd. (fr)
- Hywel ap Rhodri was koning van Gwynedd, het middeleeuwse Wales van ca.816 tot 825 en zou de zoon van Rhodri Molwynog ap Idwal zijn, dat maakte hem de broer van zijn voorganger Cynan ap Rhodri, dit wordt tegengesproken door de Genealogies from Jesus College MS 20 en de Harleian genealogies. Meer waarschijnlijk was hij de zoon van Caradog ap Meirion. Hij was de laatste telg van de Cunedda dynastie. (nl)
- Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog (... – ...; fl. IX secolo) è stato sovrano del Gwynedd dall'814 all'825. Secondo alcune genealogie, sarebbe stato figlio di Caradog, secondo altre, invece, di Rhodri Mawr. Se si crede alla prima ipotesi egli sarebbe stato cugino di Cynan, in base alla seconda, invece, sarebbe stato fratello di quest'ultimo. Hywel regnò sul Gwynedd fino alla morte, nell'825. Quando Hywel morì, la linea diretta di discendenza maschile di Cunedda terminò. Sul trono salì Merfyn Frych ap Gwriad, principe di un ramo cadetto del Manaw Gododdin e quindi il sangue di Cunedda passò in un nuovo lignaggio attraverso lui e la figlia di Cynan. (it)
- Хивел Сальная Борода (валл. Hywel Farf-fehinog; умер в 825) — король Гвинеда (814—825). Одни генеалогии называют Хивела сыном Карадог ап Мейрионаа, другие — братом Кинан Диндайтуи. (ru)