| - Die Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) waren zwei gegenläufige Protonen-Speicherringe mit etwa 300 m Durchmesser am CERN, die von 1971 bis 1984 betrieben wurden. (de)
- The ISR (standing for "Intersecting Storage Rings") was a particle accelerator at CERN. It was the world's first hadron collider, and ran from 1971 to 1984, with a maximum center of mass energy of 62 GeV. From its initial startup, the collider itself had the capability to produce particles like the J/ψ and the upsilon, as well as observable jet structure; however, the particle detector experiments were not configured to observe events with large momentum transverse to the beamline, leaving these discoveries to be made at other experiments in the mid-1970s. Nevertheless, the construction of the ISR involved many advances in accelerator physics, including the first use of stochastic cooling, and it held the record for luminosity at a hadron collider until surpassed by the Tevatron in 2004. (en)
- Les Intersecting Storage Rings (en français les anneaux de stockage à intersections), ou ISR étaient un accélérateur de particules situé au CERN près de Genève. Il s'agissait du premier collisionneur de hadrons du monde, en service de 1971 à 1984, avec une énergie maximale de 62 GeV. Les ISR étaient composés de deux anneaux concentriques d'aimants, d'un diamètre de 300 m, dans lesquels les protons se déplacent dans des directions opposées. Les anneaux se croisaient en huit points, appelés régions d'intersection. (fr)
- L'ISR (Intersecting Storage Rings) fu un acceleratore di particelle del CERN. Fu il primo collisore adronico al mondo, e funzionò dal 1971 al 1984, con un'energia del centro di massa massima di 62 GeV. L'ISR fu il primo acceleratore in cui avvennero collisioni protone-protone e protone-antiprotone. (it)
- O Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR), em português: Anéis de Armazenagem a Intersecções, era um acelerador de partículas do CERN. Foi o primeiro colisionador mundial de hadrão, e funcionou entre 1971 e 1984, com uma energia máxima de 62 GeV. (pt)
- ISR (англ. Intersecting Storage Rings) — первый в мире адронный коллайдер, работавший в международном научном центре ЦЕРН в 1971—1984 годах. Строительство машины началось в 1966 году, в 1971 году в оба кольца были захвачены пучки, на начальном этапе с импульсом 15 ГэВ/c. (ru)