JK Enum Nanbanin Vaazhkai (transl. Life of a friend named JK) is a 2015 Indian Tamil-language romantic drama film written and directed by Cheran, which was simultaneously made and later released in Telugu as Rajadhi Raja (transl. King of Kings). It stars Sharwanand and Nithya Menen while Prakash Raj and Santhanam play supporting roles. The film featured songs by G. V. Prakash Kumar and film scored by Siddharth Vipin. After failing to have a theatrical release in late 2013, the Tamil version of the film had a direct-to-video release in March 2015, becoming the first venture in a new initiative launched by Cheran known as Cinema2Home (C2H). The Telugu version of the film had been indefinitely placed on hold, but was later released theatrically in June 2016, with the makers trying to profit f