Jinki: Extend (Japanese: ジンキ・エクステンド, Hepburn: Jinki Ekusutendo) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shirō Tsunashima. The story revolves around two girls who end up piloting giant humanoid robots called "Jinki" (which translates to "man-machine") and the manipulation behind the scenes that drew them inexorably together in a final battle. It takes place in two parts, in Venezuela during 1988 (Jinki), and in Tokyo, Japan in 1991 (Jinki: Extend). An anime television series adaptation animated by Feel aired from January to March 2005. The 13th episode never aired on television and was released as an OVA. This title was picked up in North America by ADV Films for $91,000, who released the series in three volumes and box set. However, in 2008, the title along with over thirty o