Juan Sastoque is a retired American soccer player who spent two seasons in Major League Soccer. Born in New York, Sastoque grew up in California, graduating from El Cajon Valley High School. He attended Cal State Northridge for one year, playing on the men’s soccer team in 1995. In 1996, he turned professional with the DFW Toros of the USISL. He was selected as the 1996 USISL Rookie of the Year. In 1997, Sastoque signed a MLS Project 40 contract with Major League Soccer and was assigned to the Dallas Burn. The Burn sent him on loan to the Toros at the beginning of June 1997, to the El Paso Patriots later in June and to the New Orleans Riverboat Gamblers in July. In 1998, Sastoque spent most of the season on loan with the Project 40 team, in addition to a few games with the Toros. The Burn