La Perdida is an alternative comic book series created by Jessica Abel and published by Fantagraphics. It was collected into graphic novel form by Pantheon Books, and has received a positive critical response.
La Perdida est une bande dessinée de Jessica Abel publiée en cinq comic books par Fantagraphics de 2001 à 2005 et éditée en un volume en 2006 par Pantheon Books. La traduction française en a été publiée en 2006 aux éditions Delcourt. (fr)
La Perdida is an alternative comic book series created by Jessica Abel and published by Fantagraphics. It was collected into graphic novel form by Pantheon Books, and has received a positive critical response. (en)
La Perdida est une bande dessinée de Jessica Abel publiée en cinq comic books par Fantagraphics de 2001 à 2005 et éditée en un volume en 2006 par Pantheon Books. La traduction française en a été publiée en 2006 aux éditions Delcourt. (fr)
La Perdida is an alternative comic book series created by Jessica Abel and published by Fantagraphics. It was collected into graphic novel form by Pantheon Books, and has received a positive critical response. (en)