Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park was an amusement park on the west shore of Lai Chi Kok Bay in Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong. It was once the largest amusement park in Hong Kong, and attracted people from all walks of life in the territory.
Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park was an amusement park on the west shore of Lai Chi Kok Bay in Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong. It was once the largest amusement park in Hong Kong, and attracted people from all walks of life in the territory. (en)
荔園遊樂場(原名荔枝園,簡稱荔園;英語:Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park,前稱Lai Yuen),原址位於荔枝角灣,1949年4月16日開業,曾是香港規模最大型的遊樂場。最初設有三個山泉游泳池,水源經兩重沙漏消毒,並有濱海泳場。1961年,邱德根購入荔園,增設「宋城」,該景點入場費為港幣5角,成人、小童同價。1997年3月31日晚上,荔園與「」一併結業。 現址已發展為荔欣苑、華荔邨和盈暉臺,地址為新界下葵涌九華徑。 (zh)