This is a list of works by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910), including his novels, novellas, short stories, fables and parables, plays, and nonfiction.
في الأسفل قائمة بالأعمال التي كتبها الكاتب الروسي ليو تولستوي (1828-1910)، بما في ذلك رواياته الخيالية ورواياته القصيرة والقصص القصيرة ومسرحياته ورواياته غير الخيالية. (ar)
Die folgende Liste der Werke Lew Tolstois führt alle Erzählungen, Romane, Dramen und philosophischen, politischen und religiösen Schriften Lew Tolstois auf. (de)
This is a list of works by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910), including his novels, novellas, short stories, fables and parables, plays, and nonfiction. (en)
Questa voce fornisce una bibliografia delle opere di Lev Tolstoj, il cui elenco è contenuto nella sezione specifica della pagina principale. (it)